Switch off all machines, pick up a blank sheet of paper and wait – that’s what Manos Tsangaris calls his little exercise. A process to focus his thoughts and put them on a piece of paper – a way to digest experiences and turn them into a testament of ideas. „Unlock The Stillness” is a conceptual composition that emerges from heterogeneous elements and aiming to paint in the white spots on the map of audibility.
The eternal waiting for transcendence, sonically captured in a flowing rhythm. Not only texts with poetic intensity and serenity used as percussive input were alienated – a simple kettle, a baking tray or the inside of a Blüthner grand piano served as instruments and resonators. In fact, not a single drum beat was recorded. The studio itself and its interior served as the source of the percussive flow. The expansion and simultaneous concentration of the instruments opens up unimagined sonic landscapes.